Scientific Instruments and their uses | Kerala PSC GK

01.AccumulatorIt is used to store electrical energy
02.AltimeterIt measures altitudes and is used in aircraft.
03.AmmeterIt measures strength of electric current (in amperes).
04.AnemometerIt measures force and velocity of the wind.
05.AudiometerIt measures the intensity of sound.
06.AudiphonesIt is used for improving the imperfect sense of hearing.
07.BarographIt is used for continuous recording of atmospheric pressure.
08.BarometerIt measures atmospheric pressure.
09.BinocularIt is used to view distant objects
10.BolometerIt measures heat radiation
11.CalorimeterIt measures the quantity of heat.
12.CarburettorIt is used in an internal combustion engine for charging the air with petrol vapor.
13.CardiogramIt traces movements of the heart, recorded on a cardiograph.
14.ChronometerIt determines the longitude of a place kept the onboard ship.
15.CinematographyIt is an instrument used in cinema making to throw on screen and enlarged image of the photograph.
16.ColorimeterAn instrument for comparing intensities of color.
17.CommutatorAn instrument to change or remove the direction of an electric current, in dynamo used to convert alternating current into direct current.
18.Cresco graphIt measures the growth in plants.
19.CyclotronA charged particle accelerator which can accelerate charged particles to high energies.
20.DynamoIt converts mechanical energy into electrical energy<
21.DynamometerIt measures force, torque, and power
22.ElectroscopeIt detects the presence of an electric charge.
23.EndoscopeIt examines internal parts of the body.
24.EudiometerA glass tube for measuring volume changes in chemical reactions between gases.
25.FathometerIt measures the depth of the ocean.
26.GalvanometerIt measures the electric current of low magnitude.
27.HydrometerIt measures the specific gravity of liquids.
28.HydrophoneIt measures sound under water.
29.HygrometerIt measures humidity in the air.
30.KymographIt graphically records physiological movements (Blood pressure and heartbeat).
31.LactometerIt determines the purity of milk.
32.ManometerIt measures the pressure of gases.
33.Mariner’s compassIt is an instrument used by the sailors to determine the direction.
34.MicrophoneIt converts the sound waves into electrical vibrations and to magnify the sound.
35.MicroscopeIt is used to obtain the magnified view of small objects.
36.OdometerAn instrument by which the distance covered by wheeled vehicles is measured.
37.PeriscopeIt is used to view objects above sea level (used in submarines)
38.PhonographAn instrument for producing sound.
39.PhotometerThe instrument compares the luminous intensity of the source of light
40.PotentiometerIt is used for comparing electromotive force of cells.
41.PyrometerIt measures very high temperature.
42.Quartz ClockA highly accurate clock used in astronomical observations and other precision work
43.RadarRadio, angle, detection, and range is used to detect the direction and range of an approaching airplane by means of radio microwaves
44.RadiometerIt measures the emission of radiant energy.
45.Rain GaugeAn apparatus for recording rainfall at a particular place.
46.RectifierAn instrument used for the conversion of AC into DC.
47.RefractometerIt measures refractive index.
48.SaccharimeterIt measures the amount of sugar in the solution.
49.SalinometerIt determines the salinity of solution.
50.SeismographIt measures the intensity of earthquake shocks.
51.SextantThis is used by navigators to find the latitude of a place by measuring the elevation above the horizon of the sun or another star.


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