Award Of Weightage | Kerala Psc

Benefits Of Physically Handicapped Persons:-

The following procedure shall be observed in dealing with the applications of physically handicapped persons applying for various posts. They shall produce certificate from a Medical Officer in Government Service not below the rank of Civil Surgeon Gr.II to prove that they are Physically Handicapped.
1. Age concession upto 15 years will be given to the blind, deaf and dumb and 10 years to the Orthopaedically handicapped persons, over and above the existing upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment to posts in various services of the State to enable them to compete for the posts for which they are considered suitable and duties of which they can discharge satisfactorily after their appointment.
2. In all cases of selections except those specifically excluded, the physically handicapped candidates will be given grace marks at the discretion of the Commission subject to a maximum of 12% marks to the blind, the deaf and dumb and 10% marks to the Orthopaedically handicapped. The order of priority among the categories of Physically handicapped will be
a) The Blind, b) the deaf and the dumb, c) Orthopaedically Handicapped.
3. The physically handicapped candidates will be interviewed by the Commission to test-
a) Whether they are in a position to discharge the duties satisfactorily in a post to which they may be appointed.
b) Whether the Physically Handicapped claimed is feigned or real.
4. In case where selection is made on the basis of written test alone grace marks to Physically Handicapped Candidates will be given by the Commission at their discretion in an interview and the marks so awarded at the interview will be added to the marks for written test and the ranked list prepared accordingly. The eligibility of Physically Handicapped candidates for interview will be determined by notionally adding the maximum eligible marks to the marks for the written test, to see whether the total marks so arrived at become equal to or above the cut off marks prescribed for the preparation of the ranked list.
5. In the case of selections which are made on the basis of the marks for the written test and or qualifying examination marks or practical test plus interview marks, grace marks will be given after an interview subject to the maximum percentage (10% or 12% as the case may be) of the interview marks prescribed. In the cases where selection is finalised by an interview alone, the same procedure will be applied (If the percentage come to .5 (Point five) it will be rounded to the next digit).
6. While preparing Short List of candidates for interview, the claims of Physically Handicapped Candidates will be considered and they will be included in the short list if the total of the actual marks secured by them and a notional increase equal to 12% or 10% as the case may be of the total marks for the written test/qualifying marks/practical test come up to or above the cut off level.
Note: - In all cases the notional increase will not be taken into account for the calculation of total marks for ranking.
7. If Physically Handicapped candidates are found suitable at the interview they will be included in the ranked list on the basis of marks secured by them even if they dont secure the maximum i.e.; 12% or 10% as the case may be, fixed for interview.
8. An extra time of 15 minutes per hour will be granted to orthopaedically handicapped candidates in all Exams including Departmental tests conducted by the Kerala Public Service Commission. The percentage of disability and the fact that the candidate cannot write at normal speed should be specifically mentioned in the medical certificate. This concession will not be allowed in the case of Examinations which are fully objective. The blind candidates will be allowed to post scribes if specifically requested for.
The physically handicapped persons will be considered for appointment only to such posts, the duties attached to which can be satisfactorily discharged by them. Without prejudice to the generality of the above provisions, the concessions will not apply for appointment to the following posts.
a) All executive posts in the Police Department.
b) All executive posts in the Excise Department.
c) All executive posts in the Prisons Department.
d) All executive posts in the Forest Department.
e) Deputy Collector.
f) Tahsildar.
g) Physical Director/Directress.
h) Physical Education Teacher.
i) Reserve Conductor.
j) Driver.
k) Sergeant.
l) Dance Master (Kathakali Dance).
m) Nurse.
n) Auxiliary Nurse/Midwife.
Posts for which they may be declared unsuitable from time to time.

These conditions shall be applicable to recruitment to the posts in the Kerala State Electricity Board and Kerala State Road Transport Corporation except the following categories.
a) All Executive Posts in the Electrical and Civil Branches.
b) Regional Personnel Officer.
c) Driver.
d) Sergeant.
e) Watcher.
f) Electricity Worker.
g) Reserve Driver.
h) Reserve Conductor and posts in the higher division.
However these conditions shall not apply to recruitment to the services under the Government Owned Companies and Corporations until those concerns adopts these orders. The fact whether these orders are applicable will be made clear in Part I of the Notifications in respect of each post notified from the concerned Recruitment Wing.

Weightage To Meritorious Sportsmen:

In the G.O.(MS)No.21/78/GAD dated 11.01.1978, the Government of Kerala have laid down the criterion for awarding weightage marks to meritorious sportsmen in the direct recruitment of candidates to all categories of Class III and Class IV posts in the State Service. In this case, only the claims of candidates who have secured marks equal to or above the cut off marks prescribed by the Commission for preparing short list or ranked list have to be considered. Certificates issued by Amateur sports organisations in respect of State events representing Districts (not clubs) and National events representing States will be accepted provided that the Amateur Sports Association is affiliated to any of the National Sports Associations mentioned in appendix VII of KSR Volume I and the certificates bear the countersignature of the Kerala Sports Council.

Weightage (Extra Marks) Will Be Given To The Meritorious Sportsmen On The Following Items Of Sports And Games.

1. Football
2. Athletics
3. Volleyball
4. Aquatics (Swimming, Diving, Water polo)
5. Basket Ball
6. Hockey
7. Badminton (Shuttle)
8. Tennis
9. Ball Badminton
10. Table Tennis
11. Cricket
12. Kabaddi
13. Wrestling
14. Gymnastics
15. Kho-kho
16. Weight lifting & Body Building
17. Boxing
18. Chess
19. Cycling
20. Handball
21. Kalrippayat
22. Cycle Polo
23. Billiards
24. Rifle Shooting
25. Mountaineering
1. Power Lifting
2. Canoeing and Kayaking
3. IndIan Style Wrestling
4. Women's Cricket
5. Women's Hockey
6. Rowing
7. Archery
The marks to be awarded to each category of sportsmen will be as follows: -
1. Representing the Country in the international Competition viz. World Olympics, Asian Games and Common Wealth Games- 30% Extra
2. Representing the State in nationals- 20% Extra
3. Representing the university in All India university Games (Inter Zone)- 15% Extra
4. Representing the State schools in all India schools games- 10% extra
5. Representing State/university in south zonal events- 7.5% extra
6. Representing district (but not clubs) in state championship and colleges in inter-collegiate (Inter Zonal Meets)- 5% extra
1. Representing India in International Tournaments- 20% Extra
2. Representing the State in Nationals- 15% Extra
3. Representing University in Inter University Tournaments (Inter-Zonal) and representing State/Schools in All India School Games- 10% Extra
4. Representing State/University in the South Zonal Events- 7.5% Extra
5. Representing Colleges in Inter Collegiate (Inter-Zonal Championship and Districts (But not Clubs) in the State Championships- 4% Extra
(C) In addition to the above, marks will be awarded to winners of the first, second and third places as follows:
(i) In International events 30% for 1st place, 25% for 2nd place and 15% for 3rd place. In all other cases 10% more for individuals for securing the 1st place, 7.5% for those who secure the 2nd place and 5% for those who secure the 3rd place.
(ii) So far as team events are concerned such of those individuals who are in the winning team will be given an additional 10% and those in the runner-up team will be given 5%. However, in International events members of the winning team will get 25% extra and members of the runner-up team will get 15% extra.
(iii) If a candidate has participated in more than one event or in more than one game enumerated above the best performance in any one event of game which is to his advantage alone will be considered.
(iv) The Weightage of marks will be allowed only as among candidates who are called for interview or who are proposed to be included in a ranked list on the basis of a written examination.
The maximum marks that can be awarded to a candidate for all the items put together should be 35% (Thirty five per cent) of the total marks.
If a selection is made on the basis of marks for the written test alone, weightage will be calculated taking into account of the % of marks for the written test. In order to award the weightage of marks, the candidates will be asked to produce the original documents and the orders of Member of the Commission shall be obtained for awarding the marks. This can be done along with the interview of Physically Handicapped Candidates.
If selection is made on the basis of interview alone or on the basis of the marks for the written test/qualifying examination/practical test and interview, the % of marks for the interview alone will be taken into account for awarding the weightage marks for the sportsmen.
A candidate who has applied for a selection and has enjoyed the benefit will not be disqualified for enjoying the same benefit in another selection.

Weightage To Ex-Service Men:-

The Ex-Servicemen shall be given weightage of marks in accordance with the following procedure.
1. Weightage of marks will be awarded only to those ex-servicemen who receive pensionary benefits from the Defence Forces. No mark shall be given for period of service less than 2 years.
Note: - 1. In order to prove that the candidate who has been relieved with pensionary benefits they shall produce pension payment orders or in lieu of the pension payment orders pension payment certificates if the fact of eligibility for pension is not clear from the discharge certificate.
2. Ex-servicemen who are in actual receipt of pension and those ex-servicemen who have been issued with discharge certificate prior to the date of discharge and are eligible for pension from the date of actual discharge are also entitled to weightage marks.
3. The Service in the Defence Forces which makes one qualified for the post in terms of qualifications fixed for the post will not be considered for the award of weightage marks. However, the excess of Defence Service over the prescribed length insisted on as qualification will be considered for the award of weightage marks.
2. The basis of award of marks as per the length of service shall be one mark for every two years of service subject to a maximum of ten marks provided that the weightage marks will be as follows in cases where the interview mark is 20/25/40.
        Length of Service                                                        Weightage of marks
        20 years and above                                                          3 marks
        10 years and above but below 20 years                          2 marks
          2 years and above but below 10 years                          1 mark
3.The basis for giving marks for Gallantry Awards and other Awards shall be as follows:-
1.P.V.C. (Param Vir Chakra)15 Marks
2.M.V.C. (Maha Vir Chakra)10 Marks
3.Vr.C. (Vir Chakra)8 Marks
4.Sena Medal/Nau Sena Medal/Vayu Sena Medal 5 Marks
5.Asoka Chakra4 Marks
6.Kirthi Chakra 3 Marks
7.Shouria Chakra 2 Marks
8.Mention in dispatch (Mention in dispatch is also accepted
as Gallantry awarded by Army Headquarters)
1 Mark

P.V.S.M.(Param Vishisht Seva Medal)15 Marks
A.V.S.M. (Adhi Vishist Seva Medal)10 Marks
Vishisht Seva Medal8 Marks
 4. Marks for the Gallantry Awards and other awards shall be given in addition to the marks to be awarded for the length of service, subject to the condition that the aggregate grace marks awarded to a candidate for the length of service, Gallantry Awards and other awards shall not exceed 23.
Note:- Persons serving the Armed Forces who on retirement from service will come under the category of Ex-serviceman will be eligible to apply for employment through Kerala Public Service Commission one year before the specified term of engagement.

Weightage Marks To Candidates Of Native Districts:

In the case of District-wise Selections to Last Grade Servants and certain sub Clerical posts mentioned in G.O.(P) No.5/93/P&ARD dated 15.01.93, weightage marks will be given to candidates who apply to such posts to the District to which they belong provided they are otherwise qualified. Accordingly candidates who qualify for interview/who secure minimum cut off marks to be included in the ranked list will be given a weightage of 5 marks. In the case of selection finalised by an interview the Weightage marks will be awarded by the District Officer at the time of interview after verifying the nativity certificate. For selection to posts finalised by way of Written Test/Practical Test or both the weightage marks will be awarded by the District Officer after verifying the nativity certificate before finalising the ranked list.
The candidates have to be directed to produce nativity certificate in original from the concerned Village Officer or Higher Revenue Authority for awarding marks. Before awarding marks the District Officer should see that the District noted in the Nativity Certificate and the claim of the candidate in the relevant column of the application are one and the same.

Weightage Marks For The Selection Of Lecturer In Medical Colleges:

In cases where selection of Lecturer in Medical Colleges is finalised without a Written test ie; on the basis of % marks for the qualifying examinations and marks for interview alone, weightage marks will be awarded to Post Graduate Degree/Post Graduate Diploma holders in the concerned subjects. Weightage of 4 marks for Post Graduate Degree holder and 2 marks for Post Graduate Diploma holders will have to be awarded. There are certain subjects in which specialisation can be had only after taking a postgraduate degree in the allied subjects. Such subjects (or Super Specialities) which require a basic postgraduate degree are mentioned below. The Specialities in which a candidate shall have MD/MS before taking up specialisation in the super-specialities are also noted against each.
A candidate who applied for the post of Lecturer in any of the 10 subjects referred to above and who does not possess a post-graduate
Sl.No.Subjects (Super Specialities)Prior requirements
1. NeurosurgeryM.S. (Surgery) or M.S. (Orthopaedics)
2. Cardio Thoracic SurgeryM.S. (Surgery)
3. Plastic SurgeryM.S. (Surgery) or M.S. (Ortho) or M.S. (ENT)
4. Genito-Urinary SurgeryM.S. (Surgery) or M.D. (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
5. Paediatric SurgeryM.S. (Surgery) or M.S. (Orthopaedics)
6. Gastro EnterologyM.D. (Medicine) or M.D. (Paediatrics)
7. EndocrinologyM.D. (Medicine) or M.D. (Paediatrics)
8. NeurologyM.D. (Medicine) or M.D. (Paediatrics)
9. CardiologyM.D. (Medicine) or M.D. (Paediatrics)
10. Clinical HaematologyM.D. (Medicine) or M.D. (Paediatrics) or M.D. (Pathology)
 Degree in that subject ie; speciality, but has got a postgraduate degree noted against it can be awarded a weightage of 2 marks ie; weightage marks of 2 will be awarded for candidates possessing postgraduate degree in prior-requirement subjects for Super Speciality Subjects.
No candidates will be eligible for the weightage as aforesaid, if selection for the post of Lecturer in Medical Colleges are finalised by taking into account of the marks in the written test, interview marks and marks for qualifying examination.

📝 Must Know

👉Candidates Registration
👉Award Of Weightage
👉Instruction To Candidates
👉Tips To Applicants
👉Rechecking Of Answerscript
👉Doubts And Facts
👉OTR - Instructions To Candidates
👉Confirmation Proceedures

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