Kerala PSC - Junior Clerk, Co-operative Societies - Model Question Paper 01

Kerala PSC - Junior Clerk, Co-operative Societies - Model Question Paper 01

01. Headquarters of State Co-operative union Kerala - Thiruvananthapuram
02. The important document in a Co-operative society is - Registration certificate
03. A group of accounts is known as Ledger
04. Minimum number of person required to register a small scale handicraft co-operative society is - 10
05. The co-operative societies are classified by _____ of KCS Act - Rule 15
06. Gilt edged securities include ____ Government securities
07. 'Protest' is issued by ____ Notary public
08. A document is defined in ____ - Indian Evidence Act
09. ____ is the right of the Banker - General Lien
10. The basis of quantum of mortgaged loan to be sanctioned by the Banker to the borrower is ____ - Valuation Certificate
11. ____ has no general body - CCU
12. Who is the sole authority to issue currency in India - RBI
13. The Co-operative societies Act was passed in India in the year - 1912
14. Interest rate of Deposit of a co-operative credit societies are fixed by - Registrar
15. The matters to be discussed in a meeting is - Agenda
16. Maximum interest Rate on various deposits in a service co-operative Bank is fixed by ___ - Registrar of co-operative societies
17. Urban Co-operative Bank shall maintain SLR at the rate ____ its demand and time liability - 25%
18. Banks without any branch is called - Unit BAnk
19. RBI's licensing policy for setting new co-operative urban banks is based on ____ - Strong start up capital/corporate Governance
20. Drawer in the case of demand Draft is ___ - Issuing Banker
21. The winding up of a co-operative society means - Liquidation
22. Co-operative societies with area of operation more than two states is registered by - Central Registrar
23. There are ___ circle co-operative Unions in Kerala. - 62
24. 'One man one vote' principle was recommended by _____ committee. - Maclagan
25. The ___ colour in the Co-operative flag denotes harmony - Indigo
26. Cash or other assets continually undergoing conversion into cash is known as - floating asset
27. Banker should obtain ____ writing if the customers account is to be operated by another - Mandate
28. A depositor can withdraw amount from his SB account through ___ in a primary credit co-operative society - Withdrawal slip or cheque
29. When the rate of interest is changed from time to time, it is called ___ - floating rate
30. Implementing agency of kissan credit card scheme is ____ - Commercial Banks/Regional Rural Bank/Co-operative Banks
31. Apex society means ____ level society - State
32. The members of a co-operative society have ____ liability - Limited
33. Neethy stores was started in Kerala in - 1997
34. The first Bank in kerala was? - Nedungadi Bank
35. No society shall admit members within ___ prior to the date of election. - 60 days
36. Authorized share capital of a co-operative bank in Kerala is fixed in the ____ - Bye-law
37. Bank provides overdraft facility in ____ - Current Account
38. Section 138 of the negotiable instruments Act states that drawer of the cheque is liable to be punished if the cheque is bounced for _____ - Insufficient funds
39. KLCMA is an institution functioning under the control of ____ - Kerala state co-operative union
40. In 'CAMELS' rating 'C' stands for ____ - Capital adequacy
41. Section 62 of KCS Act defines ____ - Gratuity
42. The president of school co-operative society is ___ - Headmaster
43. The day to day administration and management of a society is vested with the ____ - Secretary
44. Written record of the proceedings of the meeting is ____ - Minutes
45. A surcharge is imposed by section ____ of KCS Act. - 68
46. An officer who is appointed to wind up the affairs of a co-operative society is ____ - Liquidator
47. The Annual General body meeting is done as per the section ____ of KCS Act. - 29
48. Circle co-operative union is constituted under section ____of KcS Act. - 88
49. Non monitory disputes in a co-operative society is field before ____ - Co-operative Arbitration court
50. Arbitration in co-operative society is done as per section _____ of KCS Act. - 70

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